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About Me

Holly Kuchik

Hello and welcome!


First and foremost, I just want to say that I know nothing for sure.  I have thoughts, feelings, opinions, beliefs, and experiences, but most of those can change on a minute-by-minute basis. What I believe or feel today very well may change tomorrow.  It has been a humbling experience to know that I know nothing for sure.


Okay.  Now that we have that out of the way, allow me to introduce myself. I am a born-and-raised Alberta girl.  I grew up in a small village with a strict religious upbringing coupled with dated ideologies about a woman’s potential and a pessimistic view of how the world worked.


I knew from an early age that I wanted to help people.  As one does as a teenager, you explore all the mainstream careers that you know of and are 'acceptable.'  I knew that the medical careers were not for me, and I was more interested in how the brain worked.  I could sense the greatness of people but knew they were not living their greatest and highest potential.


After high school, I attended university with the goal to major in psychology, until the universe stepped in and introduced me to women’s studies.  It was within my first year of university in my very first women’s studies course that gave me the space to 'question everything.'  I will be forever grateful to that professor for planting that seed (which was if someone (spouse, parents, religion, school, et cetera) won’t allow you to question the validity of it, why is that?)


The next few years I had two babies, finished my degree, got married, and was a stay-at-home mama.  It seems ironic now that while my beliefs and education leaned forwards feminism, I was still very much a traditionalist.


The pull to help people, specifically women, was so strong in those first few years of being at home, and as the years went on and the experiences of life brings up your shit, it got lost deep inside me.


There is nothing like a marriage (or marriage-type relationship) to bring up all your shit.  I spent the first few years of my marriage being very unhappy and blaming it all on my husband. I then went back to school, as I had never used my degree, and I wanted a way to make some money so I could leave my marriage and start anew.


That was 2012 and those were some of the darkest years of my life.  Being a person just trying to feel better, I was living a lifestyle of self-medicating (alcohol, cigarettes, inappropriate behaviours).  I just wanted to feel better.  As time went on, my physical body was sick, experiencing symptoms that were very real, but all the medical tests showed I was 'healthy.'  Deep down I knew it was a product of me, but taking ownership of it at that time seemed too difficult.


I hit my rock bottom.  I was trying to get out of school and move on, and that was taking its time.  I remember reading books on how to be happy.  I remember my mom saying, “Just think of one thing that you’re grateful for.”  In my head I remember thinking, I have nothing. (Even though your kids should always be one.)


The beautiful thing about rock bottom is there is only one direction to move, and that is up.


For me, my marriage was over, but we were still living in the same house as I didn’t have an income to leave.  This will end up being the best 'intervention' by the universe.


It’s now 2014.  I decided to work on me.  Not with the premise that if I change, he’ll change, but it started with if I’m going to leave and maybe eventually be with someone else, let’s not have history repeat itself.


And this was the point where it all changed…


It started while reading Louise Hay’s book You Can Heal Your Life.  I had started the book years prior, but I wasn’t ready to kick the victim mentality.  It is so much easier to believe you are perfect and not take responsibility for anything in your life, while waiting for someone to rescue you.


My biggest ah-hah moment and life changing event is when I realized IT WAS ALL ME!  Everything I had created it my life was me.  Not my husband, not my parents, me.


This set me free.  If I created it, then I can change it. Why give your power away to someone else when it’s all you anyway?  No one is going to take responsibility for your shit because it’s not theirs to own.


I started studying the mind/body connection, beliefs shaping reality, quantum energy, A Course in Miracles, Ho’oponpono, love.  I started to own all the shit in my life, step number one.  Step number two, I started to love myself for all the shit I had created in my life (this one is ongoing).  Step number three, letting go, allowing, surrender.  Step number four, exploring a more spiritual, higher-level experience which includes Reiki, goddesses and angels, the Akashic records, and sound therapy.


I can't wait for the opportunity to work together.  I can feel your potential and it is limit-less.  Are you ready?

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