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I'm having a very tiny pity party

Sigh. I’m having a moment. It’s very small, and I’m sure it will pass quickly.

I’ve been reading Chill and Prosper by Denise Duffield-Thomas; fantastic book if you have a business or are starting a business.

Are you familiar with the story of the golden goose? It sounded familiar to me, but I would not have been able to recall it. It basically goes something like this: A poor farmer and his wife save up their money to buy a goose for eggs. This goose starts laying eggs made of gold; one a day. They start to become very rich but decide they don’t want to wait for the goose to lay one egg every day, so they decide they will kill the goose to get all the eggs inside of her now. As they cut inside of her, they realize she is just like every other goose, and now they have lost their source of wealth.

Denise uses this analogy in her book to say you (the business owner) are the golden goose. Do what you’re good at and outsource the rest.

So I start thinking of all the things within my business that I could outsource, which would give me more time to do the things I am either better at or enjoy more or only I can do (oh, so many and how happy I would be!)

I then realize that in our family scenario we have set up my husband to be the golden goose, and I am the one who supports him.

99 percent of the time I am happy with this arrangement. Really. I am so grateful for him and what he does for our family.

But when you’re supporting the golden goose, it’s also hard to be one.

It dawned on me that I may need to pivot or reevaluate how I saw things going over the next couple of years.

With Terrace working out of town, I am here to support him, the household, and the family. And it works really well… for him. 😉 In fact, I can absolutely see why setting up yourself up with people to support you so you can just focus on your stuff is magical.

So my oh so very tiny pity party is allowing myself to have the moment where things may not go quite as I planned or as quickly as I’d like.

After I let the sting of reality wear off, I told myself I am exactly where I need to be.

Next to work on my money equals success block.


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