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Post 1: I'm not afraid anymore

About two and a half years ago I was inspired by my sister to live my best life. While I didn’t entirely know what it meant or what it was, it started me on an incredible journey. Throughout the journey, there were so many lightbulbs and interesting things I wanted to share... but I didn’t. The fear of judgement, rejection, and just pure embarrassment prevented me from posting anything. I’m not afraid anymore... Stay tuned ;) Feb 22, 2020, 7:16 AM

Post 1: Okay. I was secretly hoping that I'd post this morning and no one would notice, and then I could say, "Look, I did it." I read the comments and see the likes and my first reaction was "Sh*t, now I actually have to do it." I by no means have anything/everything figured out. I'm just on my journey of being happy, loving life, and being me. It's definitely a work in progress. I say that because my morning went like this: - post on Facebook, kind of want to hide, kind of want to puke, but I think, "Wow, I finally did it. It only took two years." - Terrace gets up, and I say, "OMG, I just posted something on Facebook." T: What did you post? H: Something about me. I feel like the kid from Home Alone "I'm not afraid anymore; I'm not afraid anymore." ha ha ha Terrace starts reading it. "Um...this doesn't make sense." H: What do you mean? T: You have the wrong word. "what the meant..." FML - Thanks for your support. (Because of what I do for work, I constantly correct Terrace's grammar and wrong word usage. I think he liked that he was able to correct mine. 🤦‍♀️) So this may have caused some upset feelings inside me. I may have cried. I may have blasted some Taylor Swift. I'm okay now. ;) This wasn't what I thought my first post would be. But this is real. Welcome to my "coming out" party. 😁


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