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Post 13: What's your reality?

Post 13 I interrupt this regularly scheduled post to announce I must go into self-quarantine (from social media and the news and anything on TV live). Seriously – couldn’t even watch the hockey game without feeling like we’re all going to die! I can assure you the only corona I plan on having is the cold ones from Mexico. The media might not be saying the words “go buy toilet paper” but they sure are loving the reaction, aren’t they? The next time Costco is out of romaine lettuce or any other item I frequently purchase, I will be sure to call my local news outlets so they can report on it. (eye roll) I often wonder if people can see their own drama they create. If you just sit back and quietly observe, it’s hilarious to hear people say things like “ugh, I hate drama. So much drama. Why is there always drama everywhere I go?” And then watch them spread it. In my observation, “these people” normally see themselves as positive people (or realists AKA negative nellies.) I am not about to say that I have never been intrigued and/or involved in some drama; we all have. I used to watch the news every morning and follow them on social media. I thought I was being worldly and “in the know.” Couldn’t figure out why I was angry and living in fear ALL. THE. TIME. What a change was made when I stopped. Again, I’m not about to say that I don’t speak about certain ongoings in the world. I do. But it never makes me feel good. I choose to live in a bubble. And my bubble is a pretty amazing place. It doesn’t give any f*cks about what the news is reporting. Here’s how I see it: Are you loving your life? Living the life you’ve always wanted? Everything is great? No drama? No doom and gloom? Owning your shit, and not playing the victim? Your current life (a collective “your.” I’m not calling anyone out) is a reflection of what you believe. That’s fact. Is the world a wonderful safe, place full of infinite possibilities? Or is it scary and someone is always out to get you? Same world, different beliefs. If you don’t love every part of your life, you will probably want to argue with me and tell me I’m wrong, and you can, but I won’t engage. Are you playing the victim to the government? The news? Your family? The coronavirus? Your spouse? Your job? Terrace works in a tumultuous industry. And although he’s changed careers three times since we’ve been together, they always have been (and as I wrote that, I realized that that is probably based on a belief he has.) Anyway, this meant there was lots of stress surrounding being out of work. In the 16 years together, throughout various different jobs and companies, he has only one time worked a full consecutive 12 months without a layoff. About four years ago, when the governments changed and everyone was freaking out, WE decided to change our beliefs. We started to say things like “everything is always working out better than expected.” “Everything is happening exactly the way it is supposed to.” I can tell you we’ve been through some pretty rough times – things that absolutely could have ruined us financially. We were good at recognizing when one of us (usually me) started to freak out when a job opportunity wasn’t coming as quickly as we wanted. We would remind each other that everything was going to work out, and in the end it absolutely worked out better than we could have ever imagined. Those four years were the best years Terrace has had in his career. So, my friends, until we start spreading love instead of fear/hate, I need a break. Own your part. I tried to turn off the commenting as I have no doubt some people think I am wrong. The thing is we’re both right. Your belief(s) will absolutely become your reality, but that does not mean they are anybody else’s. 😊 So while ya’ll are bitching about how the government is going to ruin your life and everyone else’s or how the coronavirus is going to kill us all, I’m going to go be awesome instead. You need to calm down – Taylor Swift


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